
In Wetumpka, AL.

The Wayback Machine will show this site is an investigation of Subliminal Distraction begun in 2002.

If you wish to help in this project, send the Home page URL to your email list and encourage everyone to do the same.

Preventing Subliminal Distraction episodes, mistaken for mental illness, is simple and free.


Copyright 2003   Edit June 16 2018

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Mahjong Epilepsy


LeRoy High School         Wi-Fi Illness Ontario, Canada


A Mahjong Epilepsy diagnosis was given to tics and full body seizures experienced in playing or watching Mahjong.

This problem garnered worldwide attention

when 23 Mahjong tournament participants in Hong Kong

began to have seizures and were taken to Queen Mary Hospital.


That incident precipitated a full neurological investigation.

Nothing was determined.

Current Google searches turned up additional cases.

In all incidents stopping playing or watching the game prevented further symptoms.


The physical circumstances for the Hong Kong tournament,

tables crowded close together, while using cognitive investment to plan tile play,

 created the "special circumstances" for visual subliminal distraction.


Subliminal Distraction, defined and explained in first-semester psychology,

Was discovered to cause mental beaks for office workers in 1964.

Enter this investigation site Here.

Subliminal Distraction explained Here.


There is a multi-billion dollar industry selling cubicles and Systems Furniture,

used to block peripheral vision for long concentrating knowledge workers

to prevent the experience.


Unaware of the problem no investigation was made to determine a connection.


Cases show exposure playing or watching Mahjong causes the seizure in from one to ten hours.


Subliminal Distraction requires long hours exposure over several days but is cumulative.

This posits that those so effected had work or other activities causing a low level of exposure

so that massive exposure during Mahjong play pushed them over the edge for the

Subliminal Distraction event.


Cases are still happening so that a Subliminal Distraction connection can be investigated.




These tic, seizure incidents have also happened to students.


National attention was directed to LeRoy High School when students

began to experience sudden onset seizures and tics that resembled Tourette syndrome.



Two different diagnoses were given, Pandas and Conversion Disorder. The treatments were vastly different, antibiotics or psychotropic drugs with talk therapy.  Both seemed to work equally well.


Pandas is Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections. It Is treated with antibiotics for the strep infection causing the it.  (Note: There was no mention of strep infections for the effected students in news reports of this incident.)


Conversion disorder is a psychiatric problem  with neurologic symptoms. Blindness, paralysis, or other psychiatric complaints that cannot be explained medically would be typical.  It Is explained as somatization, a psychiatric phenomena manifesting as physical symptoms.

Treatments for Conversion Disorder can range from psychotropic drugs, talk therapy, hypnosis, or other physical training to reduce the believed cause, stress, or reactions from trauma. In some cases the experience simply spontaneously remits.


(Note: The rationalization for both diagnoses and their explanations is without objective proof or testable evidence. In the 1920's Dr. Henry Cotton, Trenton New Jersey psychiatric hospital attempted to treat mental illness believing it caused by infection.  This was eventually disproved by the failure of his treatments removing teeth and other organs. You can Google this incident.)


When both treatments worked equally well, that should have alerted everyone that neither diagnosis was correct.


The first student to develop symptoms was taking two art classes daily.  When she stopped school the symptoms stopped.  When she returned to school they started again.   A quick remission and quick re-onset  one hint this was a Subliminal Distraction mental event outbreak. She was interviewed at home and shown sitting at an open dining table using her computer to do her homework.  If she had been doing that during her episode it would have been a second source of visual subliminal distraction to explain her event.


Those students taking classes organized so that the positioning of students sitting in each other's peripheral vision provides the opportunity for Subliminal Distraction would have been effected first.   Since a very large number of other students in the classes were not effected there must have been another away from school  source of exposure for students which did develop symptoms.   Visual subliminal distraction exposure is cumulative.


Other source for exposure is digital view-screen device used without precautions for peripheral vision blocking protection.  Texting on a smart phone everywhere all day is an example.  Sitting in a bedroom using a digital view-screen device with a large mirror in peripheral vision is another. Again, not every  student using the phones exhibited the symptoms. That does not mean they did not have lower level exposure symptoms such as  anxiety and depressive ideation.


Subliminal Distraction is cumulative.  That means two or more activities add together to reach the threshold for psychiatric symptoms.  Cumulative explanation.


Difficult to believe?  The first effect, the disappearance of movement in peripheral vision while you observe it can be experienced by performing my demonstration of the habituation of conscious sight in peripheral vision.    Demo


The psychiatric effects are caused by long hours of exposure in a physical situation.  That situation a "mental break causing design mistake" can be experimentally replicated, then optimized, to show the early beginning psychiatric outcome of anxiety leading to depressive ideation with hours daisly Subliminal Distraction over successive days.  This will take about a week's exposure to creature a mild effect. See Warning to understand the risks.







Wi-Fi Illness


In 2010 students in 14 Ontario, Canada elementary schools began to have strange somatic symptoms when industrial Wi-Fi was installed so  laptop computers could be used anywhere in the schools.


Headaches, dizziness, trouble sleeping, memory loss and racing hearts were the symptoms. They stopped on weekends but resumed with the return to school during the week.


Pictures from the schools used to illustrate stories showed students sitting in each other's peripheral vision, using laptop computers with no precaution for peripheral vision blocking protection.   My Site Outline page has the pictures.


Parents and a group of activists blamed Wi-Fi transmitter EMR. 


Everyone selling book on the subject or offering a treatment plan descended on the scene.  


The reply I got after emails and postal letters advising the free solution, showed they had not read my communication.