
In Wetumpka, AL

The Wayback Machine will show this site is an investigation of Subliminal Distraction begun in 2002.

If you wish to help in this project, send the Home page URL to your email list and encourage everyone to do the same.

Preventing Subliminal Distraction episodes, mistaken for mental illness, is simple and free.


Copyright 2003 Edit Saturday October 25, 2014

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This page has scans of hospital records from 2002 and 2003.

There are three records, scroll to the bottom of the page for all three.

Comments pasted on the pages are positioned so there can be no mistake that the comments are added,

not part of the original record. My comments also have colored highlighting.

This was done to reduce the number of typed pages, mailed in letters.


Other pages indicating medical testing  will follow as soon as they can be located and scanned.

There was extensive testing which shows Connie did not have a physical problem.

In addition, a letter from her neurologist shows she did not have brain injury or disease.


The speed of  onset for the severe episode, suddenly with no warning,

essentially overnight, matches the speed of onset for Subliminal Distraction episodes.

At the time of these evaluations I knew what had happened but did not have the correct name for the phenomenon.

A design student from Australia emailed for permission to use my site in her "thesis" and supplied the correct term.


Connie's mental break story:

June 30, 2002 the payroll office of the University of Alabama moved from the third floor to the basement of Rose Administration building. Connie got a new workstation without Cubicle Level Protection she had in the third floor office.

She had a psychotic break within thirty days.  

These pages are from her hospital records from North Harbor Pavilion. The psychiatric facility is located in a hospital wing across the river from Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa. Considered as part of  Druid City Hospital,  the building was previously the hospital facility for Northport, Alabama.   It is a separate, full hospital.


Treatment Information:


Note that Dr Raisani was Dr. Bonner's office partner. Bonner had resigned the case without referral. The "poison control center" I called after Connie had severe reactions to psychotropic drugs Bonner gave her,  lying to me that they were harmless memory treatments, made the appointment at UAB. (University of Alabama Birmingham.) 

Address information and phone numbers were not blacked out because we have not lived at that address in the hospital records since 2002.

Connie had severe reactions to drugs and began to decline. She died  January 13, 2010. Although we found a doctor to treat her without psychotropic drugs we could not reverse the damage they had done.


Emory University Hospital in Atlanta had a program to assist local doctors with diagnosis of geriatric memory and psychiatric problems. The Wesley Woods Geriatric Hospital at Emory referred us to a doctor in Snellville Georgia who saw her until her death.


Connie's Workstation:


This arrangement had Connie's adding machine on the left work surface in this picture. Her computer was to the right of her chair shown. The chair is facing the computer in the picture.

There was a path that keypunch typists used to visit payroll by walking through Connie's workstation, between these two work surfaces. The path is in the rear of this picture and goes around the desk on the left. It is not apparent that the desk does not go all the way to that rear wall. There was space for staff to walk around, then through her workspace. Connie said they often bumped her chair when walking through.

When I complained to the Alabama Attorney General's office weeks after Connie's mental break, an attorney said the state does not have any obligation to provide precautions I explained to him.  He refused to confirm that in writing.

The blur in the lower left corner of the picture is probably a finger. I had caused so much trouble with the administration that the university president banned any contact with me. I gave an employee a new $100 digital camera and Connie's annual staff football ticket order form for these pictures.


The University's computer department, managing all University records,  changed the file arrangement for Connie's work without telling anyone.  That caused her to lose the files for disabled employees being paid salary by a disability insurance policy, not through school payroll.   Those employee's  usual payroll insurance deductions were being paid through payroll.  The restructuring of her computer file system meant that she did not find the necessary files to draw the check for those insurance premiums.  When disabled employees visited doctors they found their insurance had expired for non payment of premiums.

Connie was blamed, not the computer department which made the file changes.

The payroll manager engaged a harassing project to get Connie to retire.  As a 30 year employee she was making more than $29,000 as a "payroll critical" but low level accounting assistant. He job, auditing deductions for employees, had to be completed before a payroll could be issued.  They could hire a student wife for a much lower beginning salary to reduce expenses. 


Told she must be "cross trained" despite her heavy accounting work schedule, she was sent to sit in the building lobby in an information kiosk intended to provide a student work study job.

The office food service table with coffee pot and microwave beside the office refrigerator  was placed across from her usual workstation. (There was a small room, essentially a wide hallway,  between the keypunch room and payroll office. That should have been the place for the break room and appliances. Weeks after Connie's mental break and I began complaining, a "hiring interview computer" and chair was placed there as a cover up.)


That computer, desk and chair did not fill up the space.  It was obvious something larger, a food service table and refrigerator were intended for the space.


This next picture is taken from the chair in the first picture looking back 180 degrees from the direction of that picture.


Food Service Table


Look at the bottom right of this picture.   There is a low fabric covered panel that supports the horizontal work surface holding her adding machine. That panel should have been large enough to block her peripheral view of people coming to the food service table.

As shown the panel should have blocked her changing peripheral view of that chair. As she worked turning her head, movement of someone seated in the chair would have been subliminally detected.




Connie had full Cubicle Level Protection at her enclosed desk workstation on the third floor. The new office had no such protection. She began to hallucinate that cameras had been installed to watch her at work.  I later found an annual performance report done in early July that said she had begun to have trouble making decisions within about 15 days of the move to the new office.

The payroll department had used 'work-study students' to help Connie audit insurance deductions from individual payroll accounts for employees when her workstation was on the third floor. There were sometimes three students inside her cubicle area  but no precautions were taken for visual subliminal distraction. Her helpers were free to move around in Connie's peripheral vision as she concentrated to do her work.  That meant she had low level Subliminal Distraction exposure during the times she had those students helping.

The University system in Alabama has an in-house construction service to build new facilities. They had no one trained in Systems Furniture to correctly design "divided room" workstations.

That construction office is on campus.  I could not get a reply from them about why they did not know about design requirements for Cubicle Level Protection.  (We had moved to Georgia seeking effective treatment for her by then.)

There had been other staff mental breaks on campus when Connie worked there. One faculty suicide happened while I was a student in the 1960's.


Connie came home in late 2001 with a story that someone in Rose Administration Building had a nervous breakdown. I knew of the engineering design problem from my college experience in 1966 but did not understand anything about it in '66 other than it had been discovered.

During this time period, but months before her mental break,  a junior college course I took explained but did not name the problem. I had taken the psychology class while trying to recover from repeated failed massive spinal fusion surgery.  The explanation of the physiology involved was included in that course.

Now at 75 I am ambulatory but totally disabled from my spinal problems and that surgery

Since I had learned of the engineering design problem with human physiology as a 22 year old engineering student at Alabama in 1966 I recognized what the psychology course explained. 

Just after I took the course the phenomenon and it's office worker mental break appeared in a segment of the ABC Show 20/20 Downtown.  That broadcast coupled with the junior college course refreshed my memory from college so I was prepared to recognized the problem as the cause when Connie, much later, had the breakdown experience.    


That psychology course information forms the basis of this investigation project.



scroll down for all three

































Page 2  Dr.  Raisini

































Page 3 Dr. Raisaini






Note the remark that she is reading a book in the psychiatric observation room. That would have allowed additional Subliminal Distraction exposure while in the hospital to keep the psychotic episode ongoing.

This was early in the episode and while I knew what had happened I had no information about it.   

There are several things I would have done differently had I known then what this investigation turned up. 
















































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