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PDF Thesis



Interior Design Research Dissertation



Subject no: 86780


3rd June, 2005. Yvette Philips, XXXXX16 



The ill effects of subliminal stimulation on humans within interior spaces





"Everything that deceives may be said to enchant.

Plato, (427 BC - 347 BC)

Table of Contents





 Chapter one A brief look at consciousness and the subliminal………………8

 Chapter two Examples of ill effects caused by subliminal

 stimulation and the implications for interior design. …………………………24


List of references……………………………………………………………...40

List of illustrations………………………………………………………… 42







This dissertation discusses the ill effects of subliminal stimulation on humans within interior spaces. It looks at the way in which the human psyche functions, and how subliminal stimulation can surpass human sensory perception. It uses some examples of  subliminal  stimuli  to  illustrate  the  ill  effects  they  can  have  on  humans,  and discusses  the  implications  they  have  for  interior  designers,  the  interior  design industry,  and  users  of  space.  It  highlights  the  notion  that  what  humans  do  not perceive, does indeed have an ability to negatively affect them, and that greater consideration   of  this  area   is  necessary   in  order   to  create   healthier   interior environments.






This dissertation aims to bring insight into the ill effects that can be caused on the human body and mind due to subliminal* stimulation within interior spaces, and the implications that this has for interior design.


The topic has been thoughtfully approached as it occurred that issues relating to the subliminal tend to be less discussed in interior design when compared to conscious issues such as aesthetics and function. Most interior designers focus on satisfying their client by meeting their clients needs; however, the exploration into the subconscious and ill effects that can occur within it, help to explain that there may be more to a humans needs than simply meeting what they consciously desire.


The  first  chapter  provides  an  introduction  to  the  general  human  psyche,  with particular emphasis on the subliminal realm. It first defines the different levels of consciousness and explains their role in the functioning of a human being. This is a necessary  component  in order  to  understand  the  second  chapter  which  discusses specific examples of how stimulation can occur below the threshold of human perception. The first chapter also attempts to display the extent to which human perception can reach. It explains to what degree human sensory perception reaches, and at what point a human can be stimulated beyond their sensory perception. Additionally, it illustrates a brief history and testing of deliberate subliminal stimulation. This information has been strategically placed at the conclusion of the first  chapter,  as  it  leads  into  the  second  chapter  which  discusses  some  current practices of unintentional subliminal stimulation.

*Key words and phrases appear in italics and have a clear definition under the Glossary section (pp.43-44).         6 

The second chapter discusses the ill effects of subliminal stimulants on the human body and mind within interior spaces. It requires the understanding of the general human  psyche,  as  outlined  in  chapter  one,  as it  builds  on  this  understanding  to explain how humans can be negatively stimulated within interior spaces.  It uses examples  to  demonstrate  the  ill  effects  of  three  subliminal  stimulants  that  are regularly used or are in contact with human beings. Furthermore, is discusses the far reaching implications that these subliminal stimuli have for the design industry, the designers and the users of interior spaces.


The exploration into this topic aims to challenge the way designers think in terms of approaching and designing in a world that they perceive as fixed and true. Human beings trust their senses to provide them with information that is relevant to them regarding the environment that they are in. Yet what they do not perceive, can negatively affect them. This does not demonstrate a failure on the behalf of human sensory perception, but rather demonstrates a failure of thoughtfulness and awareness in the minds of designers and inventors who design or implement subliminal stimuli into environments. Consequently, this dissertation looks to provoke its readers into thinking  about  what  else  shares  their  environment  that  they  do  not  perceive,  as human sensory perception can only reach so far.

Chapter One



In 1977 Karl Popper wrote that; “All experience is already interpreted by the nervous system a hundredfold or a thousand fold; before it becomes conscious experience(Dixon 1981, p.ii). Popper’s statement has enticed exploration into the workings of the subconscious  and the way in which humans are able to be stimulated beyond their awareness,  and thus, this statement has formed the basis of the first chapter within this dissertation. Popper’s statement recognises that humans do not process their experiences on simply one level. There are other levels of processing (that are not  initially  evident  to  humans)  which  influence  their  experiences.  This  is  an extremely important notion to consider in interior design, as interior design is about directing and creating experience for humans. In order to successfully influence and create experience, an interior designer must first understand the way in which perception and processing occurs within humans.

Chapter one aims to first identify the various definitions of consciousness and the varying degrees of it. It then illustrates why these different degrees of consciousness are necessary and looks at how they work to the benefit (or otherwise) of the human being. The chapter describes the threshold point between the conscious and subconscious realms, and lastly provides a brief historical background regarding the testing of deliberate subliminal stimulation. This historical background has been strategically placed at the conclusion of the chapter. It has been placed here as the information  prior  to it helps  to make  it more  comprehensible.  It also allows  for logical transition into chapter two, which discusses further examples of subliminal stimulation.

The various definitions and varying degrees of consciousness





Humans possess what is known as a consciousness, which (to a wide degree) allows them to experience their environment. However, human experience does not occur within, and is not processed by, one realm of consciousness alone. The human mind has varying degrees of consciousness and has beautifully evolved to perceive its environment  often  without  a  humans  full  awareness.  To  better  understand  the different degrees of consciousness it is necessary to define them. This will aid in distinguishing between, and identifying the different characteristics of, the varying degrees of consciousness. In understanding consciousness it is possible to see how human experience in space is able to be manipulated and affected through the subconscious realm.




Consciousness is a topic that has been studied by philosophers for hundreds of years. It was defined by William James (1842 – 1910), an American philosopher and psychologist, as the tool that enables individuals to select their own courses of action. It is the function of knowing, the idea that an individual lies in a particular state of awareness with regard to themselves and their environment. Consciousness can be further  defined  in  seven  ways.  Firstly,  it  can  be  defined  as  joint  or  mutual knowledge,  secondly  as internal  knowledge  or conviction,  i.e.  being  aware  of ones behaviour, and thirdly as a state of awareness through internal and external sensory confirmation. The fourth definition of consciousness is direct awareness or what passes in a mans mind” as Thomas Natsoulas stated; the fifth being awareness without  sensory  confirmation,   and  the  sixth  as  a  “state  of  wakefulness   and attentiveness  to stimuli  or to events in ones environment.  The seventh  and last definition  of  consciousness,  with  reference  to  Thomas  Natsoulas  again,  is  the processing of information at various levels of awareness or having a double- consciousness (Fisher  &  Wallace,  1999).     These  definitions  agree  that consciousness  is a condition of the human body and mind at an attentive state to ones internal self and external environment. The definitions have been summarised in Figure 1.0 below.



1. Joint or mutual knowledge.

2. Internal knowledge or conviction.

3. A state of awareness through internal and external sensory confirmation.

4. Direct awareness. What passes in a man’s mind.

5. Awareness without sensory confirmation.

6. State of wakefulness and attentiveness to stimuli or to events in one’s environment.

7. Processing of information at various levels of awareness. Having a double-consciousness

The seven definitions of consciousness (Fisher & Wallace, 1999) Figure 1.0


The fifth and seventh definitions awareness without sensory confirmation and the processing of information at various levels of awareness or having a double consciousness support a hazy, yet justifiable, distinction between what is thought to be strictly conscious and subconscious or subliminal. These two definitions seem to fit more closely to the definition of subconscious. Subconscious, as defined by the Merriam  Webster  dictionary,  means  existing  in  the  mind  but  not  immediately available to consciousness, indicating that the brains subconscious level functions within both the conscious and (in some cases) the unconscious realm.


The term subconscious  very closely relates to the term subliminal,  which literally means below threshold (Stark, 1999). In this case, the threshold is the point at which stimuli are acknowledged in conscious thought. The word subliminal (which is technically archaic due to the introduction of signal detection theory in psychology in

1967 by Green & Swets) (Stark, 1999), when coupled with the word stimulation, refers to any stimulus that affects the human body, mind and/or senses from outside ones awareness.


This therefore highlights that there is also a difference between the states of subconsciousness   and   unconsciousness.   Unconsciousness,   as   defined   by   the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, means; not knowing or perceiving: not aware.


Unconsciousness  is  thus  the  opposite  of  consciousness.  Humans  cannot  function within the realms of consciousness and unconsciousness at the same time. However, they are able to function in either the conscious or unconscious realm as well as functioning within the subconscious realm simultaneously. This is illustrated diagrammatically in Figure 2.0 below.

Conscious realm        Subconscious realm        Unconscious realm                                                    



Human consciousness: the diagram illustrates how the subconscious realm works in the background to the conscious and unconscious realm. However, a human cannot function in both the conscious and unconscious realm simultaneously. The subconscious will only work within one other realm, depending on whether the human is conscious or unconscious.

Figure 2.0



In fact, as will next be discussed in this chapter, the ability of humans to function in this way is imperative to their survival.   It is fair to state then, that the term subconscious is a term used to describe a position in the mind where processing can occur during both the contrasting stages of consciousness and unconsciousness. The term subliminal refers to the effect that certain stimuli can have on the human mind that is recognized in the subconscious realm, after passing through the unconscious or conscious spheres without being perceived.

The different stages of consciousness and their function


It is intriguing that the human mind works in this manner; that while experiences are taking place in the conscious realm, the subconscious realm is actively working in the background, without the awareness of the human. This allows for the questioning of  the  purpose   of  this  subconscious   function.   The  reality   that  the  brain   is subconsciously processing stimuli from its environment (and using it to develop an understanding  of its current experience) without acknowledgment  in the conscious state seems phenomenal. On the surface this functioning appears meaningless - for what  good  is  this  processing  if  humans  are  not  aware  of  it?    However,  when considered  more  closely  the  function  of  the  subconscious  realm  is  extremely valuable. Simply because humans are unaware of their subconscious processing does not mean that the processing has no purpose


The  stages  of  conscious,  unconscious,  and  subconscious  processing  each  have specific purposes for the functioning of a human being. The human brain and sensory system has evolved to accept and respond to many stimuli, particularly due to the desire for survival, and the brain (usually instinctively) is phenomenally able to determine which stimuli are suited to which stage of awareness.

The conscious state allows for humans to make sense of themselves and their environment. Humans use their senses to perceive their environment and themselves, to comprehend,  and to make sense of the world that they are in. The unconscious state comes about when the body is required to shut down” in order to aid survival. For example, sleeping is a required state of unconsciousness that assists the proper functioning  of  the  individual,  when  conscious,  thus  increasing  the  chances  of  survival. Another example might be an individual passing out of consciousness into unconsciousness  as a result  of bodily  trauma.  This  is a survival  mechanism  that allows the bodys energy to be used more efficiently in healing the body by shutting down consciousness.   The subconscious state is an exceptional realm that allows an individual to be processing its self-thoughts and environment without full awareness in the conscious  realm.  The  purpose  of this  state  of awareness  is that it aids in survival  by alerting  the individuals  conscious  state  (and  sometimes  unconscious state) to any changes in its self or environment, if the conscious or unconscious self is  busy performing  its  usual  function  (Dixon,  1981).  This  means  that  the subconscious will interrupt the functioning of the conscious, and some states of unconsciousness, if it detects a threat to survival.




The  function  and  workings  of  the  different  stages  of  consciousness  are  thus invaluable to the survival of the human being and it is necessary to explore just how the brain filters and directs stimuli through to each level of consciousness.

As mentioned, the brain has developed as a tool to aid survival. The way in which it assists survival is by its processing techniques. The brain will accept stimuli and measure them against our learned experiences, expectations,  needs, and values. It will also make predictions continuously, make assumptions, judge expectancy, and create perceptual hypothesises and schemata in order to process stimuli quickly and efficiently. These processes, which are occurring mainly within the subconscious, help to efficiently service the conscious realm by providing information that is based partially on the actual stimulus and partially based on what the individual expects or predicts (Dixon, 1981). This is an effective way to assess ones self and environment

as a human would not be able to deal with complex problems and situations if the brain did not have this processing technique.

This processing technique lends to what is called habituation this is where the human is relaxed due to the familiarities of an environment fading out of awareness (Fisher & Wallace, 1999). Habituation occurs when the brain recognizes the aspects of an environment as stable, allowing them to drop away from consciousness in order to make processing  space available for new information  of higher priority. Within the subconscious realm, the brain is still processing any new information and making sense of it, determining if it is a threat to the individuals survival.

It is these techniques of comparison, prediction, and habituation that lead humans to respond to changes in their environment, rather than responding to the situations that they expect. While humans have different states of readiness which determine what they notice and what they do not, it is acceptable to say that the subconscious will interrupt the conscious and some stages of unconsciousness in the event of changes in the environment. So as the conscious state is comfortably habituated, the subconscious   state   is   ready   to   interrupt   habituation   should   change   in   the environment occur (Dixon, 1981).

The understanding of the varying degrees of consciousness and their functions are thus useful tools for interior designers who intend to create experience for users. If interior  designers  are able  to understand  why these  differing  degrees  of consciousness  are  needed  and  how  they  work,  they  are  better  equipped  with knowledge that they can use to design successful spaces for human experience.

The path of subconscious processing



To  better  understand  the  functioning  and  techniques  of  the  human  mind,  it  is necessary to briefly explore how the subconscious processing occurs.

All conscious representation (i.e. what humans perceive in their conscious realm) requires subconscious processing. This means that the subconscious sphere must process  the stages  of structural  analysis  as well as semantic  analysis,  and access stored sensory information in order to make the comparisons and predictions outlined previously (Dixon, 1981). Yet, the monitoring capacity of the senses is far more sophisticated  than the conscious state has capacity for, which subsequently  means that a large amount of sensory information that has undergone processing (up to a semantic level) will never achieve conscious representation. To take this one step further and, interestingly enough, the residue that lies unrepresented in consciousness may have profound effects upon the processes of perception, memory and emotional responses,  as  well  as  consciousness  itself  (Dixon,  1981).     This  point  will  be discussed in more depth in Chapter two.

There  is  proof  that  subconscious  processing  occurs  in  this  way,  especially  with regard  to  the  habituation   of  an  individual   and  the  sudden  awareness   of  an environmental aspect once a change occurs within it. Binocular rivalry (where one eye assumes dominance over another) is a good example of this. In situations where one  eye  is  better  suited  to  accept  a  certain  stimulus,  this  (one)  eye  assumes dominance and the visual information from this eye only is accepted in conscious representation. However, as soon as change occurs in the field of the subservient eye, the subservient eye immediately assumes dominance and the visual information from the subservient eye takes priority in conscious representation. It is paradoxical that the un-sensing organ should provide the most important information, but binocular rivalry is a clear example of how subconscious processing works, and of how suppressed sensory channels do continue to register and process information up to a high level.

Subconscious processing and the suppressed sensory channels that it receives stimulation from, are thus not dysfunctional, but given high priority for future access to consciousness due to the nature of their perception as a survival technique. As demonstrated by binocular rivalry, changes will be initiated by a stimulus from a suppressed channel rather than a stimulus on the previously dominant channel. Additionally, even when no change occurs on suppressed channels, these are periodically assessed by the subconscious (Dixon, 1981). The workings of the subconscious  realm  are  thus  an  invaluable  mechanism  for  assessing  and understanding ones environment.



The threshold point that defines conscious and subconscious stimulation



The discoveries into the workings of the subconscious realm have made it evident that almost all stimuli must filter through the subconscious  realm. However,  it is also evident that most of what is subconsciously processed does not reach conscious representation  (Dixon,  1981).  As  Figure  3.0  demonstrates,  approximately  fifty- percent of stimuli go unrepresented in consciousness. (The Absolute Threshold is arbitrarily measured as the point at which we perceive stimulus) (Stark, 1999).


Human perception of stimuli


(2005, <>)


Figure 3.0




Additionally,  human  senses  only consciously  perceive  stimuli  to a certain  extent. Figure 4.0 poetically illustrates the degree to which the standard human senses can

consciously perceive stimulation.


Sense Absolute threshold

Vision A candle flame can be seen from 30 miles away on a clear, dark night.

Hearing A watch can be heard ticking from 20 feet away in a quiet room.

Taste A teaspoon of sugar can be tasted in 2 gallons of water. Smell

A drop of perfume can be smelled when circulated into 6 large rooms.

Touch A fly’s wing can be felt falling onto one’s cheek from a height of 1 centimet

Absolute thresholds (Darley et. al., 1991)



Figure 4.0

Furthermore, Figure 5.0 below illustrates the limitations and tolerance  levels of other stimuli   that  are  perceived   consciously  through   both  standard   and  non-standard

human senses (e.g. balance).




a.... o"' - X:=·= o-o

a :o


0  ;;:

., "0


< 0

...,  0.
















{ dec.iDei )

ovoid 'on1inoed  silen ce

1- -----f---TEMPERATURE

< o·F    (degree Fahrenheit)














",.'. ..





0::   0











C omfort and tolerance levels of perceived stimuli


(Dreyfuss, 1966)


Figure 5.0

Illustration did not copy correctly. 

Beyond these limitations, humans are able to perceive stimuli on a subconscious or subliminal level. As previously mentioned, the subconscious realm generally is continually assessing the self and environment to locate any changes to alert the conscious state to. However, it is also possible to deliberately stimulate the subconscious  process  with  subliminal  stimulants.  These  include  stimuli  of  low intensity or short duration (Stark, 1999), and require at least five factors (that are the same as those required in unintentional subconscious stimulation) to progress into the state of consciousness.  These are: the strength  of the signal, external  noise level, internal noise level, meaning of the signal, and the subjects direction of attention (Dixon, 1981). These factors govern whether the subliminal stimulant will achieve conscious representation. If the stimuli are not intended to affect the conscious state then, as Dixon (1981) states; there must be a level of stimulus energy sufficiently great to activate peripheral receptors and cortical reception areas but insufficiently intense to produce an effect in consciousness.



Deliberate subliminal stimulation: a history of background and testing



Indeed, the deliberate influencing and effects of subliminal stimulation have been widely tested over the past one hundred years. Interest in the subliminal can be traced back  to  the  early  1900s  when  Otto  Poetzl  studied  the  effect  of  rapidly  flashed images   on   dreams   (Stark,   1999).   By   the   1950s   an   invention   named   the

Tachistoscope   spurred  public  controversy  and  pushed  concern  into  research. Invented  as a device  to rapidly flash images in attempts  to train fighter pilots to quickly  identify  an  enemy  (Stephens,  2005),  it  became  a  sensory  curiosity  that promptly  attracted  the  advertising  industry.  Around  1956,  advertisers  were  using

subliminal   techniques   in  their   marketing   campaigns   (‘drink   Coca-Cola,   eat popcorn) during the preview periods prior to movies. Visual messages were said be encoded  into  various  mediums  such  as  the  word  sex’  written  imperceptibly  on cracker packets, erotic images in liquor advertising, and hidden sexual symbols in childrens movies. Understandably, controversy arose as James Vicary (a market research  consultant  claiming to influence  the buying behaviour  of movie patrons) was challenged by people such as Vance Packard, who created social fear about subliminal influencing (Stark, 1999).

However, this period of controversy led the way to research and discovery within the field of subliminal stimulation. Five different types of deliberate subliminal stimulation have been noted.

The first is what is known as the Mere Exposure Effect, or Subliminal Perceptual Priming.  This  is  where  subjects  are  exposed  to  an  image,  without  conscious awareness, that leads them to favour that image over others. An example of the Mere Exposure  Effect  can be noted  in the test conducted  by Kunst-Wilson  & Zajonc,

1980. Subjects were repeatedly shown a series of geometric figures, each for less than 0.01 second. They were only able to recognize a flash of light in the conscious state,  but  subconsciously  could  process  the  image  beyond  their  awareness.  The subjects were then shown a range of figures including those that had been flashed, and others that had not. The subjects picked out the images that had been flashed as desirable, despite having no idea as to which had or had not been flashed. Variations of the Mere Exposure Effect have been demonstrated and documented by Whalen et al,  1998,  to  activate  emotional  centres  of  the  brain,  particularly  the  amygdala, without awareness (Stark, 1999). Another example is the test conducted by Rollman and Nachmias,1972.  They first presented subliminal stimuli to subjects, then later

asked them to pick from a range which stimuli were present or absent. Even when the subject responded absent, the experiment conductor would ask them to guess the  colour  that  the  stimulus  may  have  been.  The  subjects  guessed’  correctly, proving the effect of the subliminal stimulation (Dixon, 1981).

The  second  method  of  deliberate  subliminal  stimulation  is  known  as  the  Poetzl Effect, named after Otto Poetzl and his contribution to this field. This is where words or images, subliminally  perceived,  appear in altered form in imagery or dreams a short time later (Stark, 1999).

The third method is called Affective Priming, where the subconscious exposure to an emotionally compelling image causes a subject to respond emotionally without knowing why (Stark, 1999).

The fourth method is known as Semantic Priming and has been thought to yield the best evidence for proving the process of subliminal perception. Semantic priming is where subliminal exposure to a word, lasting only around one hundred milliseconds, tends to bias the subjects perception of subsequent words for a fraction of a second. For example subjects, unaware of “seeing the word, can be asked to distinguish whether the word was real or nonsensical. This is slightly different from the Mere Exposure Effect as it directly relates to semantics and not pictorial information (Stark, 1999).

The fifth and final type of deliberate subliminal stimulation is called Psychodynamic Activation. Here, exposure to certain kinds of fantasy images or subliminal suggestion can influence the mental state or psychosocial adaptation in a meaningful and persistent way. This is one of the oldest and most intriguing methods of subliminal stimulation as it can enter dreams and waking imagery in an altered way as documented by Shevrin, 1986. It has the ability to influence later recall and

perception and, most remarkably, even influence our social functioning (Stark,


1999). This method is, however, the most difficult to prove due to both the individual differences and psychological state of the subject, together with the vagaries of subjective interpretation of results.


This chapter has explored  the various definitions  and varying degrees of consciousness, the functions of the different stages of consciousness and the purpose and workings of the subconscious  realm. It has attempted to display the extent to which human perception can reach, whether consciously or subconsciously, and has illustrated  a  brief  history  and  testing  of  deliberate  subliminal  stimulation.  This chapter, together with the second chapter, aims to discuss the effects that negative subliminal stimulation can have on humans and the implications for interior design.

Chapter Two




Chapter one defined and discussed consciousness, and the way in which the human psyche functions and experiences its environment in relation to it. It described how humans are able to perceive  stimuli without their own conscious awareness.  This second  chapter  further  elaborates  on  the  topic  of  subliminal  stimulation  within humans,  especially its ill effects. The chapter has not been structured  to describe which senses accept which subliminal stimulation, as it has been found that humans do not have senses for some subliminal stimuli. For example, it is impossible to link the sensation of Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) to any human sense, despite the evidence that EMFs are felt and affect the human body. This is the case for numerous subliminal stimuli, for if stimulation is occurring subconsciously then through what medium is it entering? Infrasound is not consciously heard, so how can it be classed as a sound that is perceived through the ears? For this reason, the chapter has been structured to first discuss what is meant by ill effects relating to the human body and  mind.  Next,  the  chapter  gives  examples  of  subliminal  stimuli  that  cause  ill effects, and argues the implications that subliminal stimuli causing ill effects have for the design industry, designers, and users of interior space.



The definition of “ill effects relating to the human body and mind



It is necessary to define what is meant by ill effects on the human body and mind when discussing the effects of subliminal stimulation on human beings.

The majority of texts discuss how a medium  can subliminally  stimulate  a human beings body and/or mind, yet few discuss the implications and effects this type of stimulation can have; the negative of which is the topic for the second chapter of this dissertation. Only a few articles (Sarimov, R. et al. 2004, Kangmin, Z. et al. 2003, Huynh,  M.C.  &  Stutzman,  W.  2004,  Bedard  Jr,  A.  J.  & Georges,  T.M.,  2000  ) engage the subject of subliminal stimulation and provide evidence of ill or negative effects that have occurred within the human body and/or mind as a result.


Ill or negative effects on the human body and mind mean any unhealthy change that occurs within the mind or body, particularly related to the effects of subliminal stimulation. When discussing the human body, ill or negative effects relates to any negative disruption in the normal, healthy, functioning of a human body where the body will become disadvantaged in some way after its exposure to the subliminal stimulation. An example, as will be illustrated further into this chapter, would be the disruption of a biological cell function or structure resulting in cell mutation or in increased risks of diseases such as cancer. Ill or negative effects on the human mind relates  to any disturbances  in the  normal,  healthy,  functioning  of a human  mind where the workings and processes of a mind will become inhibited in some way after exposure to subliminal stimulation.  An example, as will be illustrated further into this chapter, would be the condition of psychosis brought about by aggravation of the mind   through   subliminal   peripheral   vision   irritation.   Examples   of  subliminal stimulants that have had ill effects on the human body and mind will be presented to acknowledge  that  subliminal  stimulation  not  only  can  occur,  but  also  can  have negative effects on humans.

Examples of subliminal stimulation that cause ill effects


This chapter will discuss three examples that illustrate ill effects on the human body or mind due to subliminal stimulation. Ill effects have been associated with certain frequencies,  infrasound,  and  rear-approaching  objects  and  the  peripheral  vision reflex.


Certain frequencies are a type of subliminal stimuli that produces negative effects on the human body.  Electromagnetic and micro waves are two frequencies that can negatively affect the human body. They are produced by appliances that require electricity to operate. This means they are widespread in interior environments. Their use  worldwide  has  especially  increased  over  the  past  two  decades  due  to  the increasing desires for personal communication and the consequent demand for the necessary  appliances  and  technologies  to  foster  this  desire  (Huynh  &  Stutzman,

2004). Electromagnetic and micro waves are distinguished by their frequency range in  hertz  (Hz);  electromagnetic  waves  range  between  3  kHz  to  300  GHz,  and microwaves range between several hundred MHz to several GHz. Furthermore, electromagnetic waves can be classed as ionizing or non-ionizing, depending on the magnitude of the wave. (Ionizing is a process that requires a high level of electromagnetic energy in order to strip electrons from atoms and molecules). Additionally, they can be broken down into thermal and non-thermal classifications depending on their heating effect on biological material. (Huynh & Stutzman,

2004 pg.2).

These frequencies, like the majority of frequencies, are undetectable to the human senses. They are below the threshold of human sensory perception in that they cannot be seen, heard, touched, tasted or smelled with the normal human senses. They are not, however, beyond the conceptual perception of humans who have the ability to learn of their existence, just not through their own information receivers (i.e. their senses). Human thus rely on technology to measure the existence of Electromagnetic Frequencies/waves  (EMFs)  and  Microwaves  (MWs),  yet  their  bodies  are subliminally stimulated beyond their sensory perception and, unfortunately, these unperceivable EMFs and MWs can have negative effects on the human body.


EMFs  and  MWs  have  the  ability  to  subliminally  stimulate  the  human  body negatively. The two studies involving EMFs and MWs which will be discussed have reported to have found negative impacts on the human body.

The first study, reported in the IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (Sarimov, R. et al., 2004) illustrated that the use of the non-thermal Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) …under specific conditions of exposure, affected human lymphocytes  similar  to stress  response.  The  data  suggested  that  the  MW  effects differ at various GSM frequencies and vary between donors (Sarimov et al., 2004, pg 1600). This means that the use of the GSM (by mobile phone) can affect humans by  altering  chromatin   conformation   in  the  human  lymphocytes   and  possibly contributes to a relationship between neuronal damage and damage to human deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA – the building blocks of life and individual characteristics), the latter of which was found by testing rats (Sarimov et al., 2004). While Huynh & Stutzman (2004) stated that “Non thermal effects are not very well understood and Evidence of harmful biological effects is ambiguous. ( Huynh & Stutzman, 2004, p. 25), the study reported by Sarimov, R. et al. (2004) clearly found evidence of a negative effect on the human body.

The second study, reported by the American Journal of Epidemiology (Kangmin, Z. et al., 2003) showed how the use of electrical bed-warming appliances (such as the electric blanket) were linked to a risk in breast cancer in African-American women. This study made reference to similar studies conducted on Caucasian women and agreed that the link between electrical bed-warming devices and risk of breast cancer in  Caucasian  women  was  also  evident,  however,  it  did  notice  a  stronger  risk association in the African-American women. The study stated that:


EMFs can suppress production of melatoninMelatonin can suppress production of oestrogen, directly inhibit breast cancer cell growth, and boost immune function. As a result of suppression of melatonin production, oestrogen levels may rise, breast cancer cells may grow faster, and the immune function that controls cell transformation may be depressed, increasing the risk of breast cancer.

(Kangmin, Z. et al., 2003, p. 798).



Additionally, the article suggested that EMFs may have a negative effect on calcium homeostasis which can increase the risk of breast cancer. Thus, the effect of electric bedding devices on the health of a human can be noted as negative, and especially frightening considering these appliances may be the highest contributors of electromagnetic exposure to humans from residential appliances due to their EMF density, prolonged exposure, and intimate contact (Kangmin, Z. et al., 2003). 


Infrasound  is  another  method  of  subliminal  stimulation  that  has  had  reported negative effects on the human body. Infrasound is a low frequency noise that is inaudible to humans. It can be generated by both humans (by creating a device to output infrasound) and by natural phenomena (e.g. storms, seasonal winds, weather patterns,   some   types   of   earthquakes).   (Debunking   guide   Spooky   infrasound Alternative medicine lg Nobel prizes,  2003)

Figure 6.0 (below) illustrates the pressure and frequency of infrasound.






THRESHOLD OF HUMAN HEARING at low frequencies. The low-frequency domain of infrasound lies to the left of the nominal threshold of human hearing and feeling on this pressure-versus-frequency diagram. The regions occupied by familiar sounds are at the right. Frequencies below about 1 Hz can travel relatively undiminished for hundreds or thousands of kilometres through the atmosphere. The curve at the lower left roughly indicates the present limit of detectability imposed by atmospheric winds and turbulence.

(Bedard & Georges, 2000)


Figure 6.0

Infrasound can be considered as subliminal as it occurs below the sensory awareness threshold  of human  beings.  Humans  are unable  to perceive  infrasound  with their basic  five  senses,  yet  are  somehow  aware  of  infrasound  via  other  information receivers. As will be discussed, some humans do produce a bodily response to infrasound yet are unable to directly attribute the reactions they have from infrasound to infrasound, due to their inability to perceive it with their standard senses. It can therefore be said that infrasound is subliminal in human perception.




Infrasound has an amazing ability to create ill effects on the human body through its subliminal stimulation. As Walburn (2003) discussed, victims complained of illness with everything from diarrhoea to a diminished ability to read and write (Walburn 2003, p1). Once made aware of infrasound, they attributed their illnesses to the infrasound that had been unintentionally created by large fans at two local industries nearby.   Infrasound was, however, intentionally created and studied as reported in 2003. Listeners at a musical concert had their musical performance laced with infrasound”,  without their knowledge, and later reported that they suffered shivering  on  my  wrist…odd  feeling  in  my  stomach…increased  heart ratefeeling very anxioussudden memory and emotional lossfeelings of unease or  sorrow,   chills   down   the  spine,   nervous   feelings   of  revulsion   or  fear…” (Debunking  guide  Spooky  infrasound  Alternative  medicine  lg  Nobel  prizes  2003, p.1). Thus, these ill effects are a result of the subliminal stimulant of infrasound.


The third and final example of subliminal stimulation that causes ill effects is any object that approaches a human from the rear and enters into the humans peripheral vision.  Rear-approaching objects refers to anything that moves and advances into the peripheral vision of a stationary human, for example, other people. (Tucker, 2005)



Rear approaching objects that enter into the humans field of peripheral vision can be considered subliminal due to the way the mind functions and lends to survival and habituation, as explained in chapter one of this dissertation. Once a rear-approaching object enters into the peripheral vision field of a human the object will come into the conscious mind. Humans have an instinctive reflex, due to their inherent desire for survival, to turn their head and look directly at the moving object that has approached into their peripheral vision. They do this in order to identify if it is a threat. Once identified as a threat, the human can spring into action, or if not identified as a threat, can return to the task that they were performing.  In certain interior environments, such as cubicle spaces within offices described by Tucker (2005), rear-approaching objects  will  be  consistently  entering  and  departing  from  peripheral  vision  and humans will habituate; meaning that they learn to ignore them as they have already identified the type of movement as not posing a threat. This does not mean humans cease from seeing them; humans are simply able to allow the recurring process of identifying  the  object  as  a  threat  to  occur  in  the  subconscious  rather  than  the conscious mind-frame, allowing them to continue uninterrupted on the task that they are  performing.   Rear-approaching   objects  into  the  peripheral   vision  field  are therefore able to be considered as subliminal (Tucker, 2005).

Rear-approaching  objects that enter into the peripheral vision field of humans can have a detrimentally ill effect on the human mind. This occurrence can lead to what is know as Subliminal Peripheral Vision Psychosis (SPVS), where a human develops unexplained periods of psychotic behaviour that may include hearing voices, which has a sudden onset with no reasonable explanation  or cause (Tucker,  2005) as a result of habitation and of the subconscious mind attempting to manage the continual stimulation in the peripheral vision field. SPVS will apparently only occur after very long periods of rear-approaching objects entering into the peripheral vision field. Tucker’s website states;

If you have several hours exposure from human traffic at the library, while reading at an open table or seated in a reading

room chair, followed by long hours watching TV with a critically misplaced ceiling fan sweeping detectable shadows around the room, the combination of those two behaviours might cause the problem. The suggestion is that either activity alone would not consume enough exposure time even if the critical movement is present (Tucker, 2005).

The author of this website acknowledges that knowledge of this condition is not widespread and information on this topic is not readily available. Nevertheless, the concept of SPVS, its causes, and ill effects, are worthwhile to consider.


The implications of negative subliminal stimulation for interior design


 The ill effects caused by subliminal stimulation such as frequencies, infrasound, and rear-approaching objects into a humans field of peripheral vision, have implications for the interior design industry, and the designers and users of interior spaces. As more  information  is  uncovered  and  the  knowledge  of  the  negative  effects  of subliminal  stimulation  becomes  more  widespread,  designers  and users  of interior spaces  (i.e.  society)  will  demand  new  design  standards  (to  be  implemented  by government or other official bodies). In the future they will demand subliminal-safe spaces and alternative spaces that can provide the same functions as regular spaces with  the  difference  that they  do so by alternative  means  (for example,  by using minimal electricity). Additionally and most obviously, it could mean an increased design consciousness could develop in designers towards an understanding of the ill effects caused by subliminal stimulation which they could use in the design of new spaces. They may also implement this knowledge into making their design practice a healthy space to work within which could potentially lead to a less stressful environment and more efficient and effective design solutions.


With increased research and dispersion of knowledge related to the ill effects caused by subliminal stimulation such as EMFs, infrasound, and rear-approaching objects which enter a humans peripheral vision field, society will demand new design standards  be  put  into  place  to  ensure  their  safety  and  wellbeing.  This  is  a  fair prediction to make as the majority of studies researched for this dissertation were not only few, but very current. This indicates that this topic is in its stages of preliminary research and development and can be expected to grow. Even the study reported by Huynh & Stutzman (2004) indicated that “Non thermal effects are not very well understood and Evidence of harmful biological effects is ambiguous. (Huynh & Stutzman 2004, p. 25). While this is only an example relating to frequencies, it illustrates the preliminary nature and how little is known of this, and potentially other subliminal   related,   topic(s).   Once   further   research   has   been   undertaken,   the dispersion  of  the  results  and  the  accompanying  knowledge  could  take  place, educating society and allowing them to understand the subliminal occurrences that can negatively effect them within the interior environments that they frequent. This isa  justified statement as society is becoming increasingly more health and safety conscious as a result of increased information. An example is the research conducted into cigarette smoking, the presentation to Australian society of the findings, and the subsequent increased awareness and decline in cigarette smoking in Australia (Yong, H. et al., 2005). This education then, could lead to society demanding that the government  or  other  official  bodies  implement  new  design  standards  for  those designing interior spaces to abide by. New design standards relating to the design of electrical  equipment  or visual  fields in corporate  workspaces  for example,  would benefit the health of society in a similar way to the standards that have been implemented for sustainable design.


Another implication that the ill effects of subliminal stimulation could have on the design industry, designers and the users of interiors spaces, could be the desire for subliminal-safe spaces. Subliminal-safe spaces refers to interior spaces where the ill effects of subliminal stimulation are first targeted and then tended to by design, so that  they  no  longer  affect  the  health  of  the  users  of  the  interior  space.  These subliminal-safe  spaces would  need to be publicized  in some way to the users, in order to invite them to use the space and re-assure them that this space would pose less of a risk to their health than other spaces that were not designed to combat the ill effects of subliminal stimulation. The use of these spaces can be justified using the example of the purchasing of expensive organic food products. While similar food products are available, some people choose to purchase organic food products as they place  value  on  their  health  and  believe  organic  food  products  are  a  healthier alternative to regular food products. They will even spend more money purchasing organic food products than they would regular food products (Hill, 2004). This is

illustrated by the trend in society that where health-conscious alternatives are being provided, an increasing portion of society is responding and accepting the alternative that will benefit their health (Hill, 2004). So the implication is that interior spaces, whose design and publicity can demonstrate, for example, that it has reduced EMFs (which negatively affects health as discussed) in contrast to other spaces of identical function, could potentially be successful and in demand.


The social desire that leads to the creation of alternative designed spaces is another implication brought about through the understanding of the ill effects caused by subliminal stimulation. Alternative spaces refers to interior spaces that provide the same service or function as other spaces, with the difference that these alternative spaces provide the service or function by a completely different method. Examples of such alternative spaces are a café that will service the needs of its users without much use of electricity (as responding to the negative effects of EMFs); or an alternative method of ventilation to fans that produce infrasound as they operate. The design of these alternative spaces would challenge designers, their creativity, their skills, and their perception  of societys  desires.  The design  of alternative  spaces would  also entail that designers collaborate with professionals in other areas to broaden their knowledge   and  increase   innovation.      If  designers   were   to  be  successful   in collaborating and creating these alternative spaces, they could potentially further differentiate themselves within their industry as alternative space designing could become an area of specialty. Furthermore, designers may discover that the users of interior spaces require innovative spaces to perform new functions that have been brought about by the knowledge of ill effects caused by subliminal stimulation.

The  final implication  for  the design  industry,  designers  and the users  of interior space, is that ill effects caused by subliminal stimulation could result in a greater awareness and design consciousness by designers when they create new spaces. As research and knowledge in the field could develop, so too could a consciousness and conscience develop in designers. This means that as designers become aware of subliminal stimuli that cause negative effects on the human body and mind, they will design interior spaces by taking this into consideration and by prioritizing it during the design development along with issues such as sustainability.  Thus by possessing knowledge and understanding in this field, they will be able to design interior spaces that are health-beneficial or health-neutral, and develop their own conscience in how they design for users.


This chapter, with the use of three examples, has demonstrated that some forms of subliminal stimuli are indeed harmful to the wellbeing of humans. The ill effects that are caused by these subliminal stimuli have significant implications for the design industry, the designers, and the users of interior spaces. The implications are that the increasingly health-conscious society will demand new design standards, subliminal- safe spaces, alternative spaces, and a consciousness and conscience of the issue in the minds of designers. Furthermore, this topic has illustrated that opportunities for innovation, design advancement, creativity, and new methods of approaching design problems, are available as a result of questioning the surrounding environment that is so often perceived as fixed and true.





This dissertation has aimed to bring insight into the ill effects that can be caused on the human body and mind due to subliminal stimulation within interior spaces, and the implications that this has for interior design.


Human beings are an integral part of interior design.  It is imperative that interior designers understand the significance of humans in their industry. Their needs and desires are what interior designers aspire to meet, not only for business or financial profit, but also for personal and social satisfaction. To understand the complexity of a human being, the workings of their body synergized with the workings of their mind, is to truly understand their needs.


For this reason, the first chapter of this dissertation aimed to give background into the complexity of the human mind, which the workings of, indeed, are still not completely understood by science. The initial chapter discussed the levels of consciousness, why they are needed, and the way in which the human mind works to aid survival. This chapter attempted to bring attention to the often forgotten, yet essential, subconscious realm of the human mind, a realm that is rarely discussed in interior design.


This disregard for the subconscious  realm by interior designers is an unintentional one, yet the subconscious realm has been proven to be a very important one in the workings of a human being. Interior design currently seems to disregard or forgetabout this realm, and tends to favour and design for the conscious realm of human beings. Interior design is a discipline that is very much oriented towards combining aesthetics  and  function.  Yet  aesthetics  and  function  are  considerations   of  the conscious mind. Of course there has been much research to support aspects of human comfort that are not constantly at the forefront of human minds (such as ergonomics one does not think about the placement of ones body every time one sits in a chair). However, there has been much more information regarding subconscious or subliminal human comfort considered and incorporated  into interior design, rather than information regarding subliminal discomfort.


In  following  on  from  the  first  chapter,  the  second  chapter  of  this  dissertation discussed how human beings can be negatively stimulated beyond their senses, i.e. through   their   subconscious   realm,   within   interior   environments.   The   chapter illustrated  some  of  the  ill  effects  that  certain  subliminal  stimulants  can  have  on human beings. The ideas presented were both fascinating and frightening as, just as the subconscious functions and responds without intense reflection, so too do some of the creators of technologies in this world. It seems that the good intentions of the creators  of some  technologies,  in attempting  to understand  human  needs,  do not entirely succeed. While they meet the conscious realm with striking aesthetics and a desirable   function,   their  creations   possess   an  element   of  superficiality   when compared to the negative subliminal effects they provide. However, this may be a subjective  opinion  in the  sense  that human  values  are completely  individual  and diverse.  Where  one  human  may  value  a  technology  that  meets  their  conscious functional desires, another may prioritise their health and sacrifice the use of the technology that affects it.


Furthermore, with human values and trends toward health and sustainability being seriously considered by a growing number in todays society, the dissertation also discussed the implications that these ill effects could have for the future of interior design, the industry, its designers, and its users. The implications are far reaching and,  as  already  mentioned,  research  into  the  ill  effects  caused  by  subliminal stimulation in interior environments  seems in its preliminary stages. It is ironic to think that the technology that will better assist human beings to understand their subconscious,   and  the  effects  from  their  environment,   might  have  subliminal negative effects itself. Yet, as Sigmund Freud once said; From error to error, one discovers the entire truth (, 2005).

So, development in this area has great potential for interior design in understanding and educating those within the industry (and hopefully those on a wider base) that the things that humans do not perceive consciously have equal, if not more, value to them.

List of references





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List of illustrations



Figure 1.0: Fisher, L, E. & Wallace, B. 1999, Consciousness and behaviour, Allyn

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Figure 2.0: Drawn by Author. 

Figure 3.0: Viewed, 14th March, 2005,


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Edition, Prentice-Hall Inc., U.S.A.

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Merriam-Webster Online (dictionary)  - (ref:


Amygdala                    the one of the four basal ganglia in each cerebral hemisphere that is part of the limbic system and consists of an almond- shaped mass of grey matter in the anterior extremity of the temporal lobe -- called also amygdaloid nucleus.


Conformation              any  of  the  spatial  arrangements  of  a  molecule  that  can  be obtained by rotation of the atoms about a single bond.


Conscious                    perceiving,   apprehending,   or   noticing   with   a   degree   of controlled thought or observation.


Chromatin                   a complex of nucleic acid and basic proteins (as histone) in eukaryotic cells that is usually dispersed in the interphase nucleus  and  condensed  into  chromosomes  in  mitosis  and meiosis


Hertz (Hz)                  a unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second.


Homeostasis                a relatively stable state of equilibrium  or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of elements of an organism, population, or group


Ionizing                      to convert wholly or partly into ions.


Lymphocytes               any  of  the  colourless  weakly  motile  cells  originating  from stem cells and differentiating in lymphoid tissue (as of the thymus or bone marrow) that are the typical cellular elements of lymph , include the cellular mediators of immunity, and constitute 20 to 30 percent of the white blood cells of normal human blood.


Melatonin                    a vertebrate hormone derived from serotonin and secreted by the pineal gland especially in response to darkness.


Neuron                        a greyish or reddish granular cell with specialized  processes that is the fundamental functional unit of nervous tissue.


Psychosocial               involving both psychological and social aspects.


Schemata                     a mental codification of experience that includes a particular organized way of perceiving cognitively and responding to a complex situation or set of stimuli


Semantic                     of  or  relating  to  meaning   in  language/of   or  relating  to semantics.


Subconscious              existing   in   the   mind   but   not   immediately   available   to consciousness.


Subliminal                  inadequate to produce a sensation or a perception/ existing or functioning below the threshold of consciousness.


Thermal                      of, relating to, or caused by heat. Unconscious               not knowing or perceiving: not aware.




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