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Psychotropic Drugs
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Spontaneous Remissions
When asked about low results in testing, psychiatrists cite case evidence of efficacy to claim that the drugs work.
That is exactly what double blind testing is intended to prevent, drug and observer bias.
In 1600 and 1700's London the mentally ill were locked up and fed. There were no drugs.
Treatment claims from scholarly books on the history of mental illness say there was a 90% success rate for some practitioners.
How is that possible?
It wasn't mental illness they were attempting to treat.
They were watching Subliminal Distraction cases spontaneously remit.
There is no evidence mental illness has changed.
Where are those spontaneous remissions today?
Today drug treatment begins immediately Remissions are being covered up, credited to drug efficacy and positive talk therapy outcomes.
Experts in the field of mental health only claim a 30% rate of success for these drugs.
Advocate sites rate them around 20% effective That's less than flipping a coin.
This page includes quotes from package inserts, required by the FDA, admissions by drug companies, that they do not know what the drugs do, or how they work.
Caution: Before you stop any psychotropic drug you should consider that there may be rebound from cessation.
The phenomenon discussed on this site does not require any treatment. Nor does it interferer with any treatment you now have. It consists of investigating your daily activities for locations where the "special circumstances" for Subliminal Distraction are present. Make small usually free changes so that Subliminal Distraction exposure can't happen. Because of the way your brain functions subliminally to initiate a vision startle reflex, SD exposure is silent, painless, and invisible. It cannot be detected.
The only possible action is to eliminate potential sources of exposure. That's what engineers and designers did when the problem was discovered. They created the office cubicle in 1968 to block peripheral vision for a concentrating worker.
Cubicle Level Protection, or peripheral vision blocking protection , is usually simple and free. Rearranging study areas and computer workstations is all that is usually needed. Remember, this problem was discovered before computers existed. Daydreaming is enough dissociation to allow exposure. This means that if you daydream, plan, run through your Sunday School lesson for the weekend while you wash and dry dishes you can have exposure during that activity if there is detectable movement near by in peripheral vision.
This documentary runs about an hour and a half. It is an argument that psychotropic drugs are ineffective and used for imaginary psychiatric complaints. I offered it to show there is a large group of people who dispute the use of these drugs. The author is the CCHR.
At time count 57:20 Stephen Plog relates an encounter he had as the CHADD Coordinator for Las Vegas with the sponsoring drug company. He reveals that CHADD is not a charitable group supplying unbiased information on ADD. He reports it is a front group for drug companies.
Both of these videos argue against the use of psychotropic drugs. The videos are dated. One of the speakers, Dr. Szasz died in 2012. While the documentary claims the "disorders" of the DSM have been creatively developed in concert with big "Pharma." as a money making endeavor, VisionAndPsychosis.Net shows the behaviors do exist but are incorrectly diagnosed, misunderstood, and outcomes of a universal problem of physiology engineers found but did not understand in 1964. They are preventable but not treatable.
This next video is almost three hours long. You may want to download it from YouTube so you can skip to those parts that interest you or watch it off line. (I use Firefox with Tube Extender ad-on to down load and convert videos to MP4 for Windows Media Player.)
The point of presenting these videos is to show I am not
the only person saying drug treatments for psychiatric complaints are not
The difference is that I am telling you why they don't work.
are attempting to treat something they don't understand. Drugs are used
based on the appearance of efficacy when a few people improve while taking the
drug. Although that does happen there is no way anyone can show the drug
actually was the cause of improvement. It is assumed to be the case because
psychiatrists are unaware there is anything else to cause improvement.
For those chronic Subliminal Distraction victims mistaken for mentally ill, they
are attempting to treat an unrecognized form of subliminal accidental operant
There is not, nor can there be a treatment for Subliminal Distraction episodes.
They must remit when exposure stops and the subject's brain has the opportunity
to repair during a period with no exposure.
Chemical Imbalance Theory:
The obvious problem with the chemical imbalance theory for mental illness is that there are patients with chemical imbalances but no mental illness and there are those with mental illness but which do not have chemical imbalances in their brains.
No matter what you have been told or believe no one has ever successfully connected chemical changes in the brain with mental illness.
Unfortunately, the drugs formulated to treat mental illness are based on this failed chemical imbalance theory.
A Miami TV program available as a Youtube clip had professionals report that the chemical imbalance explanation is a metaphor to explain mental illness to the masses and to convince the mentally ill to take their medications.
So what's the problem? The drugs work don't they? .... Actually, not well at all.
While researching for this site I did not find statistical positive results that exceeded 30-40% depending on the drug. Those outcomes are from professionals in mental health services. Dr. Colin Ross has YouTube videos in which he cites a 29% response rate for psychotropic drugs. In fact, some advocate sites claim positive response outcomes are only around 20%. That is far below random chance, flipping a coin. (Dr Ross has a trauma research facility with an on-line presence, The Colin A. Ross Institute.)
How do such poor drugs get approved and on the market? ... The answer lies in how they are tested.
First, a group of test subjects who volunteer or are suggested by their doctors as having a diagnosis suitable to be treated with the test drug are gathered. The test drug and an identical appearing placebo are packaged separately but identically with only code numbers to identify them. No one connected with testing of subjects is allowed to know which subjects get the drug and which get the placebo. This is called double blind testing.
The FDA and drug companies believe double blind testing guarantees the reliability of testing.
Tests go so far as to put an agent in the placebo that will cause the same side effects as the test drug so that subjects cannot compare notes then find out who is getting the drug and who has the placebo. That is called active placebo.
At the conclusion of testing the code is opened and the outcomes are correctly assigned to the test drug or placebo. That is supposed to prevent any bias, conscious or subliminal, in subjects or test moderators making the drug appear better than it is.
This test method has a serious flaw.
It does not provide evidence that the test drug was the cause of any improvement. That is assumed to be the case. But those testing drugs are unaware of Subliminal Distraction and the potential for chronic exposure to produce symptoms that cannot be distinguished from mental illness.
There is no drug possible for a chronic Subliminal Distraction episode. It can be viewed as an unrecognized form of subliminal operant conditioning. But in the case of Subliminal Distraction, repeating failed attempts to visually startle, it makes changes in how the brain functions rather than just learning a behavior.
Note: While you can prevent the Placebo test group getting the medication by just not giving it to them, ( The drug is just not in the package of pills they receive) it is not possible to prevent the placebo effect working across both groups equally. There is no way to determine if the outcomes in the Drug test group is from the efficacy of the drug or the placebo effect only when the drug has no efficacy. (Remember this assignment is done with code marked packages of pills. During testing no one knows which person is in which group.)
In an effort to explain why the drugs test well but fail in practice there have been proposals to the effect that all the drug does is cause side effects with no actual efficacy thus becoming an active placebo. The FDA method of testing does not eliminate that possibility.
So what happens is that two placebo groups are being tested and compared. When it was revealed that in anti-depressive drug testing a full 30% of all positive results were from placebo, there was no explanation offered. There was a lot of discussion but no explanation.
The public believes that the test results show a conclusive positive outcome in favor of the test drug. In fact if the test drug beats placebo by any amount, no matter how small, the drug test is judged positive for the drug.
The problem is that placebo often beats the test drug.
Companies are allowed to retest until they have two positive test outcomes for their proposed drug. The failed tests can be discarded rather than averaged in with all tests. If the FDA required drug companies to use all test results until the total outcome showed the drug beat placebo, no drug would ever be approved and marketed.
What does this tell you? I propose it says the drugs have never been shown to be effective.
In communications through my congress-person the FDA has been uninterested in investigating Subliminal Distraction.
The FDA buys into the proposition that if someone being treated any improvements must be due to that treatment.
In a recent 60 Minutes program, Sunday, February 19, 2012, about anti-depression drugs there were six drugs from different companies tested and approved. The two positive tests required should have added to 12 total tests. A Freedom of Information request to the FDA from a British University showed that there had been more than 47 total tests to get the 12 positive tests. Some of the tests were stopped so there were more than 50 actual attempted tests.
Comments by the president of the American Psychiatric Association in response to the 60 Minute broadcast claimed that test results don't matter. Psychiatrists have "case evidence" that show drugs are effective. That is not possible. It is not possible to have "case evidence of efficacy" for drugs which failed double blind testing. What is happening is drug and observer bias. It's what double blind testing is intended to prevent.
They are not accounting for spontaneous remissions that were recognized to happen in the 16-1700"s in London. There were no drugs then and no effective treatment. All recoveries back then had to be spontaneous remission. I propose that spontaneous remissions are being claimed as drug efficacy and positive talk therapy outcomes
If the CBS 60 Minutes video refuses to run, visit the site:
There is now a fee to watch the video of that broadcast. (Dec 7, 2016)
Apparently after complaints from the APA CBS titled the video saying drugs were effective but it's the placebo effect. The chemistry cannot function as the placebo if the drug's chemistry does treat depression. It's either the drugs do work or it's the placebo. It can't be both at the same time
Subtract 12 from 47 leaving 35 negative tests for these six drugs that are being used today as safe and effective. In other words three of four tests said the drugs were worthless. (The failed tests were not evenly distributed so that some of the drugs would have had more than three failed tests, others less.)
In addition the drug companies do not know what the drugs do.
The FDA requires a package insert that explains the drug. It is called "Physician's Prescription Instructions." You can go to the drug company site for each drug and down load the Adobe file. You might be able to get one from your druggist. The printed form will be unreadable because of the very tiny text. This paper also lists negative reactions from taking the drug. Some of these reactions are the same outcomes the drug was intended to treat. The drugs actually can make symptoms worse.
Here are several excerpts from those sites:
"The mechanism of action of aripiprazole, as with other drugs having efficacy in schizophrenia, is unknown. However, it has been proposed that the efficacy of aripiprazole is mediated through a combination of partial agonist activity at D2 and 5-HT1A receptors and antagonist activity at 5-HT2A receptors."
"The mechanism of action of RISPERDAL® (risperidone), as with other drugs used to treat schizophrenia, is unknown. However, it has been proposed that the drug’s therapeutic activity in schizophrenia is mediated through a combination of dopamine Type 2(D2) and serotonin Type 2 (5HT2) receptor antagonism. Antagonism at receptors other than D2 and 5HT2 may explain some of the other effects of RISPERDAL®."
"The mechanism of action of olanzapine, as with other drugs having efficacy in schizophrenia, is unknown. However, it has been proposed that this drug’s efficacy in schizophrenia is mediated through a combination of dopamine and serotonin type 2 (5HT2) antagonism."
"The mechanism of action of Seroquel XR in the treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder is unknown.
However, its efficacy in schizophrenia could be mediated through a combination of dopamine type 2 (D2) and serotonin type 2A (5HT2A) antagonism.
These quotes are from the adobe files 'Doctors Prescription Information' from each drug manufacturer.
All the drugs have almost a verbatim statement under 'Pharmacodynamics' or 'method or operation', and the phrase "it has been proposed." This does not mean they are all the same chemistry but indicates that they all have the same theory for the cause of mental illness. And that is a chemical change in the brain. Articles you can research on-line indicate these medications have a low rate of results. ECT is the first line treatment. (Builds your confidence in medications doesn't it?)
There is no test for effectiveness.
There is no blood or other test that would show that the drug directly caused an improvement.
Practitioners believe that if they are administering a drug or other therapy then their efforts were the cause of any improvement. They forget that placebo accounts for as much as one third of all improvement in testing.
(In addition to the placebo effect spontaneous remission was common in the 16/1700's. Where are those spontaneous remissions today? The Reverend George Trosse )
Stated differently, placebo or doing nothing beats drugs in testing.
That means there is no "testable objective evidence" that psychotropic drugs do anything.
Monitoring brain chemistry tells us nothing. But as you can see from the prescription instructions the drugs do make changes in chemistry. Your brain must then deal with those changes and may attempt to reverse the action of the drug.
This does not mean the drugs do not have some effect such as a calming but no one knows how they work with the symptoms of mental illness. Calming the patient does not mean the drug is effective treating psychosis. Psychosis remains for most patients. Rather it may be the placebo effect at work. The patient improves because he or she had side effects to make them believe the drug was effective and working. In fact patients improve on placebo then fall back when they are told they were in the placebo group.
It has been suggested that the drugs being tested function as "active placebos." An active placebo is an inert substance that has an additive to produce some side effect. That side effect, though harmless, makes the subject believe they are taking the test drug.
How is all this possible? The simple answer is that drug testing is not eliminating Subliminal Distraction exposure victims, believed to be mentally ill, from test groups.
They do not know such a problem exists.
The situation in ICU Psychosis or Hospital Psychosis shows us that once symptoms begin they will continue as long as even mild exposure does
(One in three people who spend more than five days in a hospital intensive care unit has a mental break. Call any hospital and you will be told it is the stimulation from blinking lights and buzzers in the ICU. But there are jobs such as floor trader on the stock market that have more stimulation than ICU patients and there are never mental breaks there. -- As the ICU patient learns to ignore nurses and others approaching the bed they still subliminally detect that approach as threat-movement to trigger a failed attempt to startle, Subliminal Distraction.)
Subliminal Distraction episodes will remit or relapse, wax and wane, in concert with increasing or decreasing SD exposure. If someone with symptoms from SD exposure is mistaken as mentally ill and in either the test drug or placebo group, their condition will change with changes in exposure and that improvement or decline will be credited to the test group they are in.
If drug testing does not screen for this problem none of the outcomes are reliable.
The failed test method leaves us with unreliable drugs.
Next Page
Spontaneous Remissions confuse drug testing.
The Reverend George Trosse remitted, and relapses three times.
He became a major religious figure.
His autobiography, 1714, is still in print.
Spontaneous Remissions Spontaneous remissions were common in the 1600 and 1700's. Where are they now?
Mass school shootings. The Virginia Tech, Redlake tribal school, Jokela Finland school, and Atlanta day trader mass shooters all created Subliminal Distraction exposure. Mark Barton, Atlanta, left notes describing what his episode was like. He believed he was having a mental break from inherited mental illness.
Connie Tucker's 2002 hospital records These are being added as I can locate copies on backup hard drives or find the original copies and scan them again. (All written data such as hospital records was packed up for a recent move.) Every doctor we saw had a different diagnosis but they all thought she was seriously mentally ill. Nothing had happened except that her office had been changed eliminating Cubicle Level Protection.
Connie had severe reactions to anti-psychotic drugs, began to decline, and died in January 2010.
Chaco Canyon, the Anasazi Abandonment in 1300 AD. Chaco Canyon is one of the first pages from the original site. There are repetitions of information on that page that have not been edited out for this new site. It is used here as a temporary page until the hospital records are located and scanned. The Anasazi abandonment of the four corners area is one of the historical events which can be attributed to Subliminal Distraction.
Belgian Polar Expedition Mass Insanity A second historical event which can be attributed to Subliminal Distraction is a mass insanity event on the Belgian Polar Expedition of 1897/99. With the exception of the ship's doctor, Fredrick Cook, the entire ship's crew began to go insane when they were trapped in polar ice for thirteen months. The account on this page is taken from Dr. Cook's book "Through the First Antarctic Night."
College Suicides Each school year college students begin to vanish or commit suicide. Although it can happen at any time many happen during or just after periods of intense study. That's when incorrectly designed study and computer use areas would receive enough use to cause a Subliminal Distraction episode. Typical explanations claim stress as the cause. But a tiny number of the students recover or are found in altered mental states. In two such cases roommates and friends have contacted me with descriptions of behaviors and room designs that would have caused Subliminal Distraction exposure.